Category: Archives

  • Untitled post 739

    Not been on here for a while. Last week was a bad week. I got sacked by my publisher by a stinking email. This means the print versions are out of the window. Or does it? I was pointed in the direction of proper book publisher that may be interested. They were enough so to […]

  • Turning Back Time

    Turning Back Time

    I started off with a bit of my own childhood because I wanted to rewrite my own life and see how it owuld turn out. I soon realised this would not work. If you 8 year old woke up and said he had come back from the future a straitjacket would soon follow.

  • Britain’s Got Talent?

    Britain’s Got Talent?

    I have always wanted to be a full time author. Of course, that statement is relative. I didn’t want to be an author as a kid for instance. In fact the only time I ever professed an ambition to do any particular job was at 11 when I wanted to be a footballer.

  • Fairy Tale of New Dork

    Fairy Tale of New Dork

    Being low in the Kindle rankings the only thing to do – other than ask you to denote 97p to a penniless author – is do something new which will be therefore nearer the top. Some years ago I started writing some proverb fairy tales.