Tag: Trance

  • Write On!

    Write On!

    If I had a dog it would have to be a Melon Collie, especially at this time of year heading to another ticking over of the clock. Time to review my standing in the writing world as my attack on Twitter – whilst providing humour to little clusters of people with my rapier wit –  […]



    The sound of the siren was no longer in the distance and suddenly a panda car shot round the bend but the trained police driver managed to skid to a stop before the obstructing Escort. One policeman got out of the car and sauntered over to the Escort while his partner remained in the car […]



    Never one for long periods of inactivity, Nigel Drummond led the way out of the house. An imposing figure, he brought out a little fear in all his students. His ramrod straight body attained a height of six feet. He had short, dark hair, which at fifty five years old still showed no sign of […]

  • TRANCE   


    A gentle breeze from the open window forced the curtains slightly apart and a sunbeam danced through the chink, playing across the face of the youth who lay sleeping on the bed. As the warm fingers touched his skin, the youth opened his eyes and slid out of bed. He was tall and slim, with […]