Greetings followers. Yes, I still have some! And thank you for all the likes. Also, welcome to new people who have inadvertently stumbled across this site.

Firstly a word on the last post. The strange case of the invisible lizard. There was a photo of Harry that just disappeared from the blog, which made the text lack some substance. He may come back when he’s hungry, although I hope he doesn’t because that would make him a zombie lizard.

Well, it’s the first Bank Holiday Monday of May and I am off work for the whole week. What to do on holiday in glorious lockdown? I was off to Brighton for the day in my red Mini with the go faster black stripes on the bonnet, even though there were disquieting thoughts running through my head. Will there be toilets open and more importantly will there be toilet roll? And soap? In the end my car had the last word with its angry orange warning display. It was complaining about a lack of service and it also wanted a change. No, not of scenery – it could have got that on the M23 – but Castrol GTX. (Other motor oils are available.)

Staying put then. I should use the time wisely to get writing again. I thought I was at 20,000 words but I just checked, 19,371. By this time tomorrow I won’t be a millionaire but hopefully I will have broken the 20,000 barrier. I can use this blog as a daily barometer this week, because you know what they say – a blog a day keeps the website in play!



