Doctor Who to The Rescue?

No blog last week as I was incapacitated by a throat infection – hurrah I hear you say. GOVEMBER is working as well as a ceratin chameleon circuit. Not one sale this month.

Well, it was the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor you know Who last night, shown simultaneously in over 90 countries. I don’t think I can call myself a Whovian but I have got caught up in the 50 year focus over the past weeks. Doctor Who wasn’t on much in our house from what I can recall. My parents were in charge of the TV and they only watched ITV most of the time. I have vague recollections of Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker but I don’t think it was regular viewing. I certainly don’t remember watching anything of Doctors 5 to 7. I have been a regular viewer since the reboot though.

I must confess myself a little confused by last night’s story in a few areas and that could be a case of a little knowledge is dangerous.

Firstly, if The War Doctor was the regeneration between the 8th Doctor – Paul McGann – and what we thought of the 9th Doctor Christopher Eccleston, then presumably in all the episodes of the first 7 doctors there can have been no reference to his actions leading to the destruction of his planet and people. Not being an expert I don’t know.

Secondly, if the doctor can regenerate 12 times then that is 13 Doctors and if you include John Hurt – and exclude Peter Cushing – there have been 12. Peter Capaldi will be the thirteenth. Unlucky for some – mainly The Doctor. Or is last night’s doings supposed to reset the board?

Roll on Christmas Day I guess for some answers.

Anyway, regular readers of this blog – I think there is at least one – will want to know how I can turn a Doctor Who review into a sales pitch for my books. It can’t be done I hear you snigger.

If you haven’t got a blue police box but you wonder what it would be like to turn back the clock and start again see “Rewind”.

If you miss the Doctor and need a laugh, turn to “Doctor! Oh No!” in “Trouble Cross” or check it out for free on the W7 page of this blog.

Ha ha. told you I could do it.  From one DW to another. And to all of you I have just one thing to say. Just pick one of  them and think TARDIS.


Please. And thank you.

Now my thoughts are in Cardiff. No, not The Doctor this time. An institution not quite as old. Giggsy is 10 years behind but should be playing today. I’m off to buy the Jelly Babies.

Nanu nanu.


