Kindle Surprise!

I know it’s not Easter but who doesn’t like an egg joke. No? Guess the yolk’s on me then.

I have certainly been surprised by Kindle and in particular how hard it is to attract sales. My two books have now been out over 10 months and still not sold enough for me to have a peasant pittance let alone a royalty cheque. Of course, I am no salesman, and my marketing skills rate up there with Baldrick’s cooking and House’s bedside manner.

Even my U.S. review hasn’t had any effect on sales. Yet there may be a reason for this because my books apparently were not up for sale at the time on because of outstanding tax information even though I am British. Go figure. Anyway they are up for grabs again now but the review is cold.

Well, it was but who would have believed it. Just follow the hotline below.

Now I would have you know that I am known for my tact and diplomacy.


…Oops! Sorry that just slipped out.
I think I’m going to go on a blogathon today. Next up Compare The Mere Drat Dot Com 



