Tag: Trance

  • Was the writing on the wall?

    Was the writing on the wall?

    Well, the rate of the new novel has slowed – currently 75,000 words – and I have to put it down to my sleep problems. I have always been a bad sleeper ever since I was a kid. It takes me ages to get to sleep and I wake up numerous times in the night. […]

  • Halfway House

    Halfway House

    Well, I’ve made it. Broken the 50,000 word barrier in my new novel. Trance my first novel was 60,000 words but that was too short. Trouble Cross was twice as long at 120,000 words but taking out the superfluous elements – according to some – means Pratt, Pratt, Wally & Pratt is 100,000 words. Rewind […]