Turning Back Time

How many people have wished they could go back and start again? Millions I would guess. I certainly did and still do.

That was my inspiration for writing “Rewind”. It was easy to determine that the only way one could have things turn out differently if one went back with the knowledge that this was a second chance. That’s what my main character does. He doesn’t know why or whether he is mad or dead.

Back in 1971, in his 8 year old body and with 40 years knowledge. How could he fail to vastly improve his lot. It is not as easy as you think.

I started off with a bit of my own childhood because I wanted to rewrite my own life and see how it owuld turn out. I soon realised this would not work. If you 8 year old woke up and said he had come back from the future a straitjacket would soon follow. If you think that going back with knowledge brings happiness and riches you are in for a disappointment.

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