Two Thousand and Fourteen

It is that time of year again. A time of reflection on things past and hopes for the future. It is a particular bad time for hundreds, maybe thousands of individuals who look back at 2013 and see nothing positive. And demoralised and devoid of  inspiration, all they see ahead in 2014 is a blank page.

The world needs these people to save us from the same old rehashed tales. They should be the creative lifeblood of literature, TV and film. They are the ideas people but only so few get through.

So make a difference in 2014 and sponsor a writer.

Everyone and is dog is writing a book these days. If there are that many writers around why are we treated to so many film remakes when there are so many new stories out there.

If you have a famous name from a different field then your chance of publication is far greater than someone having to work full time to survive and labours on their dream in their spare time. Once you have spent a few years on your creation, the pride of the finished article is soon diminished by the thick file of rejection letters from the literary agents. You have a better chance of getting someone from TOWIE to solve a simultaneous equation.

No problem, self publishing is easy these days. DIY or pay someone else to do it and then watch as the sales don’t happen. If you are not a networker you may as well not have bothered as you wallow in the 300,000 plus rankings.

This blog – (please do not sue me under the Trade Descriptions Act) – arose from the need to market and get the word out there. Has it worked? Can England win the World Cup?

As you prepare for the New Year and wrestle with your finalising your resolutions, have a Kindley thought for those of us stranded down the Amazon without a canoe, let alone a paddle.

Just 97p will buy one e-book and if two thousand and fourteen people do that then it may be a Happy New Year.

It is so easy to sponsor a writer. No premium phonelines or text messages are required. Just follow the links.

Govember was a bust. Keycember has been a wash-out  – and I don’t just mean the weather. Let’s look forward to Fanuary – the month of the new followers.

Good luck to all who wander across here for 2014.

Nanu nanu.


