Category: Blog

  • A Song for Good Friday  

    A Song for Good Friday  

    Good Friday Good Friday I’ve written my whole life through Good Friday Good Friday to you. Good Friday Good Friday It’s great to read a book Good Friday Good Friday to you. When I first began to write the stars were not in sight Now all celebs publish away and it’s time to launch a […]

  • Write On!

    Write On!

    If I had a dog it would have to be a Melon Collie, especially at this time of year heading to another ticking over of the clock. Time to review my standing in the writing world as my attack on Twitter – whilst providing humour to little clusters of people with my rapier wit –  […]

  • Untitled post 1519

    First there was ‘favorgate’ and today we had ‘humorgate’ or it may be better termed ‘humorlessgate’ as once again American spelling is the talk of the Wordle World. There are a lot of tweets imploring Wordle not to use US spelling because there are lots of people outside the States playing too. I have a […]



    I thought it was a typo at first. I was looking in the TV guide and saw that the same film was printed below the one I had been looking at. Then I noticed that the channel was running the same film continually back to back for the whole day. What madness was this? I […]