Good news! Harry, is back. This means The Trouble with Harry post will now make more sense. Bad news! He is now part of the walking dead

In this blog I may sometimes briefly mention other topics other than writing. At this time, millions are waiting in anticipation of that truly momentous occassion – never seen in our lifetime. Yes, I’m talking about the restart of the football season. F Day is 17th June but will we make it? A thousand things could go wrong before then. Now some people see a glass as half full. Some others see it as half empty. I am more of a ‘the glass is half empty and the rest is evaporating’ type of guy so I won’t list the problems or I could jinx everything.

Now I did threaten some audience participation in answering clues given in my new novel – currently a work in slow progress. Here is the first then.

Sow with Oates to make music.

Answers not on a postcard. Please put a comment on the post until my Contact page is ready.


