Trouble Cross ↗

Thomas Robel, a newly established insurance investigator, is so desperate for his first case he is set upon a tortuous trail by a mysterious American woman.

Rewind ↗

Everyone has wished sometime or another they could go back in time and have the chance to do something over again. Jason West has wished these many times.

Once Upon a Week ↗

Seven new never seen before fairy stories, each based around a proverb. Witches, dragons and trolls, with a life lesson thrown in, and maybe the odd parent chuckle along the way.

Pratt, Pratt, Wally & Pratt Investigate

Pratt, Pratt. Wally and Pratt are a newly formed firm of insurance investigators, although only one person works there, Thomas Robel. He gets his first case from a mysterious American woman who appears unannounced at the office.

T is for…

Thomas Robel’s new insurance client is acting suspiciously and he carries out his own investigation only to get caught up in kidnap and murder.

A short prequel to Trouble Cross

Doctor Oh No!

Short James Bond spoof from the 80’s lifted from the pages of Trouble Cross.

S.P.I.D.E.R. operative Sindy Cobweb, W7, attempts to rescue a missing scientist and his eyesight formula from the combined enemy forces of S.M.A.S.H. and S.C.E.P.T.I.C. in their Egyptian lair.

Blog writer; Book author…

  • Deja Review

    Deja Review

    Well, so much for my Halfway House post last week. I only managed a measly 2,000 words this weekend although my enthusiasm has taken a bit of a knock. This was because it was also halfway through my publishing push and I received the interim report. After over 80 people had been emailed not one […]

  • The Twelve Ways of Covid

    The Twelve Ways of Covid

    In this time before Christmas, twenty twenty gave to me: Twelve months of Covid Eleven hoarders hoarding Ten for all keyworkers Nein for friendly visits. Eight time for clapping Seven days home working Six for outdoor meetings Five cheers, Captain Tom Four calling Skype Three face masks Two metres distance And a happy birthday handwash.

  • Halfway House

    Halfway House

    Well, I’ve made it. Broken the 50,000 word barrier in my new novel. Trance my first novel was 60,000 words but that was too short. Trouble Cross was twice as long at 120,000 words but taking out the superfluous elements – according to some – means Pratt, Pratt, Wally & Pratt is 100,000 words. Rewind […]

  • Pratt, Pratt, Wally & Pratt Investigate Further

    Pratt, Pratt, Wally & Pratt Investigate Further

    Call me flabbergasted. I just discovered something I never knew existed. I was just googling Pratt, Pratt, Wally & Pratt to see if it came up in searches, which it didn’t, but what did come up was a review on Trouble Cross that I never about. It is a fair review and overall a positive […]


blog celebrities christmas clues covid England Euro 2020 first novel football Lockdown new novel news offside once upon a week plug pontificating Pratt Pratt Wally & Pratt promotion reviews Rewind story Trance Trouble Cross VAR Wordle Wonder League

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