Blog writer; Book author…
Hot on the heels of increased sales – yes, only 4 books but I am counting it – comes the first review for Once Upon A Week. “What a little gem of a book.” I will take that. Maybe I have written two good books. Oh, for a wider audience. Talking about audiences, I am […]
You’re A Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!
What a difference a celebrity endorsement would make. You would not believe the people I have contacted over the years. Not specifically for that purpose always but generally with creative ideas. George Lucas, Tony Curtis, Gerry Anderson, J K Rowling, Alexander Armstrong, Richard Osman, Ant and Dec. An ecelectic mix you might say. I may […]
Yikes! Sales are up! 4 paperback copies of Once Upon A Week in the past two days. Don’t know if these came through the website or not but let me tell you, this is like a stampede. Thank you to those who bit the bullet. In other news the word count on my new novel […]
Well, Goal 1 achieved and the 20,000 word barrier broken. Currently 21,131 so no great leap forward but something. This one seems slow going but I know that whilst it may seem hard to write a book, especially at the beginning when all you have is a blank page, it is a hundred times harder […]
blog celebrities christmas clues covid England Euro 2020 first novel football Lockdown new novel news offside once upon a week plug pontificating Pratt Pratt Wally & Pratt promotion reviews Rewind story Trance Trouble Cross VAR Wordle Wonder League