Blog writer; Book author…
I seem to have been waiting for ages for it to happen and now it has. Obviously I am not talking about the football which was a dismal disappointment. No, I am talking about something much more Pointless. It is a show I watch constantly. Even the repeats which continue like a neverending roundabout.. Even […]
I keep hearing that something historic is supposed to be happening today. Drop me a line if you know what that is please. I could include it in my blog if only I knew. Anyway. So we fought off the Viking hoards and now have to face the Roman legions. This time it is not […]
Knock! Knock!
Who’s there? Val! Val who? Valhalla! Yep, who would have Thort it. Tonight the Vikings. Then if we survive that, bring on the Romans. Against the might of two armies we have but a single Kane to defend ourselves. Oh din of 60,000 aid us in our battle for survival. We want no bad Loki […]
And then there were four …
Yes, it is true. Football is coming home! And just like when the original song came out in 1996, it was not the supposed main message that England were going to win a trophy after 30 years of hurt (now 55) but the actual fact that a major football tournament was on British soil for […]
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