Blog writer; Book author…
Never one for long periods of inactivity, Nigel Drummond led the way out of the house. An imposing figure, he brought out a little fear in all his students. His ramrod straight body attained a height of six feet. He had short, dark hair, which at fifty five years old still showed no sign of […]
A gentle breeze from the open window forced the curtains slightly apart and a sunbeam danced through the chink, playing across the face of the youth who lay sleeping on the bed. As the warm fingers touched his skin, the youth opened his eyes and slid out of bed. He was tall and slim, with […]
Was the writing on the wall?
Well, the rate of the new novel has slowed – currently 75,000 words – and I have to put it down to my sleep problems. I have always been a bad sleeper ever since I was a kid. It takes me ages to get to sleep and I wake up numerous times in the night. […]
Lockdown 3 – This Time It’s Serious!
Some discerning people predicted another lockdown after Christmas and here it is. Not that you can tell from the traffic outside though. The third lockdown in nearly ten months. What you don’t know is that we are trying to beat a certain franchise. Which one? Well, let’s put it this way they got to seven […]
blog celebrities christmas clues covid England Euro 2020 first novel football Lockdown new novel news offside once upon a week plug pontificating Pratt Pratt Wally & Pratt promotion reviews Rewind story Trance Trouble Cross VAR Wordle Wonder League