Blog writer; Book author…
Lockdown 3 – This Time It’s Serious!
Some discerning people predicted another lockdown after Christmas and here it is. Not that you can tell from the traffic outside though. The third lockdown in nearly ten months. What you don’t know is that we are trying to beat a certain franchise. Which one? Well, let’s put it this way they got to seven […]
Once Upon A Five Star
A positive start to a new year and I have never said that before. Once Upon A Week has a review, a five star review no less, from US website Readers’ Favorite. Interestingly, this review was initiated by Publishing Push although they did review one of my other books at my request a few years […]
2021 – An Ace Odyssey
31st December 2020. The last day of the year of clearer vision. It may be the last day of the year, and the first real white frost of the season here, but it was like the height of summer at Tesco. Not quite as long as the farthest queue I joined but long enough for […]
Twenty Twenty Vision
So it is Christmas Eve and I am off work now until 4th January, with no need to get up at my usual time of 5 am, but the Biffa truck woke me up at that time anyway. I could not get back to sleep – always had sleep issues and currently under a sleep […]
blog celebrities christmas clues covid England Euro 2020 first novel football Lockdown new novel news offside once upon a week plug pontificating Pratt Pratt Wally & Pratt promotion reviews Rewind story Trance Trouble Cross VAR Wordle Wonder League