Blog writer; Book author…
What to blog about today? This is hard. Thinking up something that people might want to read on a regular basis, especially when you are not a naturally gregarious person. Someone told me I have to make these blogs upbeat – with no negativity – and brief. As someone who sees the glass half empty […]
It’s coming home! It’s coming home! It’s coming, football’s coming home! Good news for a lot of us and probably not for others. Of course, this means that Match of the Day is back on Saturday evenings, which is when I have been enjoying a rewind of Life on Mars and then Ashes to Ashes […]
I have just coined a new word Clockdown – at least I hope I have. There are probably many people trying a few portmanteaus on for size – blockdown, flockdown, glockdown, stockdown. Even I have used the word lickdown, but that was an inadvertent typo. Now I haven’t decided yet whether Clockdown refers to counting […]
blog celebrities christmas clues covid England Euro 2020 first novel football Lockdown new novel news offside once upon a week plug pontificating Pratt Pratt Wally & Pratt promotion reviews Rewind story Trance Trouble Cross VAR Wordle Wonder League