Trouble Cross ↗

Thomas Robel, a newly established insurance investigator, is so desperate for his first case he is set upon a tortuous trail by a mysterious American woman.

Rewind ↗

Everyone has wished sometime or another they could go back in time and have the chance to do something over again. Jason West has wished these many times.

Once Upon a Week ↗

Seven new never seen before fairy stories, each based around a proverb. Witches, dragons and trolls, with a life lesson thrown in, and maybe the odd parent chuckle along the way.

Pratt, Pratt, Wally & Pratt Investigate

Pratt, Pratt. Wally and Pratt are a newly formed firm of insurance investigators, although only one person works there, Thomas Robel. He gets his first case from a mysterious American woman who appears unannounced at the office.

T is for…

Thomas Robel’s new insurance client is acting suspiciously and he carries out his own investigation only to get caught up in kidnap and murder.

A short prequel to Trouble Cross

Doctor Oh No!

Short James Bond spoof from the 80’s lifted from the pages of Trouble Cross.

S.P.I.D.E.R. operative Sindy Cobweb, W7, attempts to rescue a missing scientist and his eyesight formula from the combined enemy forces of S.M.A.S.H. and S.C.E.P.T.I.C. in their Egyptian lair.

Blog writer; Book author…

  • Two Thousand and Fourteen

    Two Thousand and Fourteen

    Govember was a bust. Keycember has been a wash-out – and I don’t just mean the weather. Let’s look forward to Fanuary – the month of the new followers.

  • Many Happy Returns!

    Many Happy Returns!

    Happy Birthday to Rewind, Happy Birthday Trouble Cross, Happy Birthday my E-books, But your sales are so dross.

  • Spread a Little Christmas Kindleness

    Spread a Little Christmas Kindleness

    Christmas is almost upon us and it’s that time of year when one has trouble deciding whether to buy socks for the seventeenth time in a row or another Christmas jumper. Why not spread a little Kindleness this year.

  • Doctor Who to The Rescue?

    Doctor Who to The Rescue?

    Well, it was the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor you know Who last night, shown simultaneously in over 90 countries. I don’t think I can call myself a Whovian but I have got caught up in the 50 year focus over the past weeks. Doctor Who wasn’t on much in our house from what I can recall.


blog celebrities christmas clues covid England Euro 2020 first novel football Lockdown new novel news offside once upon a week plug pontificating Pratt Pratt Wally & Pratt promotion reviews Rewind story Trance Trouble Cross VAR Wordle Wonder League

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